Nuance, Binaries and Models

Cover Photo by Devin Edwards on Unsplash
We’re surrounded by binary choices in our world: the light switch is on or off, we can have a glass of wine or not. We oftentimes want to apply this idea to other situations: our friends like us or not, our work is good or bad. The truth is very few things are actually binary, and almost everything in the world exists as a composition of states - in other words, reality is complicated.
A Primer on Functional Debate
Debate not fighting All debates are arguments, not all arguments are debates. We aren’t here to address mindless shouting or simply attacking the other person. In a debate each side has a specific claim they’re trying to defend and advance, and is putting forward evidence for their side or rebutting evidence on the other side.
Why debate? When two people disagree, why should they bother talking through the merits of each argument and trying to solve it?